Saturday, December 04, 2004

My How Time Flies

Right now I am caught in a vortex. What kind of vortex you ask? Wouldn't I like to know. I feel like I am spinning somewhere between the past and the future, one foot on either side of the divide. I am floating through the possible and im, through the light and the dark.

Only a short time ago, and what is time anyways? I had no words left in me, nothing coming out of my fingertips as they lay motionless on the keyboard. Now here I sit, and my fingers fly, writing words my mind has yet to know. In my heart, I feel that I need to move on, I need to experience change greater than a change of clothes, greater than a new semester at school, greater than a new bar or club. I need to be out in the world experiencing, living, creating, knowing.

And this revelation brings me full circle, to where I was when I began my blog.

Recently, I have felt like I am on a karmic upswing. All these little things started going right for me- I'm getting my first poems published, doing well at school, making new friends. Small things to the outsider, big things inside the control of my world. My life, the pendulum path, in constant flux. When will the pendulum fall? When will I be back in the valley?

Anyways, these are just some of my musings. As always, the urge to write overwhelms the urge to not, and inevitably the words come spilling out of me, pouring through any opening not seen and held.


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