Friday, September 10, 2004

The Hellmester of Stress

So school has once again started. As I was sitting in my cramped little wooden desk, in a tiny, sweltering room listening to the professor speak in a monotone, I had a thought.. I haven't been in an in class lecture in about a year and a half. I can hardly believe it.. So, that also got me to thinking, maybe I have forgotten how school is supposed to work. Either that, or my semester really is as hard as I think it is, and I really do have as much work to do as I think I do. Case in point, today is Friday, two days into the hellmester... oops I mean semester, and I have been doing schoolwork for several hours and am no where near making a dent on the cascading pile of reading that I have to complete by Monday. Compounding my problem, is the fact that every time I open a school book, I am overcome with an urge to sleep. So, as I am two days into the semester, and overwhelmed completely, I am dubbing this the "Hellmester of Stress." This is halfway through my third year of studies, and I have never ever encountered a semester so deserving of the title. So.. Good luck to me. Good luck to the world. Goodnight bowl of mush, and goodnight moon. (If you know what that's from, mad props!)


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