Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Frustration is having two jobs, and feeling like I am still not getting ahead. What do I mean by ahead? Having enough financial freedom to not worry about working. Well, you are probably saying, "Obviously, that's what everyone wants!" True... I wish that I just had a little cushion of money so that I didn't have to work while attending university.

Frustration is that the sun is shining outside, I finished class by 12:30, and have to stick around to work from 3 to 6 pm. I know it's not a bad job and I'm making good money, but why do I keep thinking of quitting. It's like this happy little fantasy that runs through my head. For once, can't I make the irresponsible decision? I am tired of being the sensible, reliable person. Can't I just tell them I'm not coming in today?

I wish I didn't have aspirations.. wish I could be satisfied with what I have now, so that I wasn't possessed by the need to better my situation, to gain money so that I can leave my current life....


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