Thursday, May 19, 2005

Voter Apathy...

Oh and I forgot... voter apathy. How many people did I talk to pre-election that said "Yeah, I would totally vote for the NDP, but I'm not voting."

Me: "Why not?"

Them: "Don't feel like it. Too lazy. I don't vote... etc."

Don't get me started on the issue of voter apathy.... but wait! I'm already started!

I had a history teacher in high school who made a speech about democracy that I will never forget. Something to the effect of "All those people who died fighting in wars, WWI, WWII, etc. all those people who fought and died the world over for democracy, for the vote, if you live in a democratic country and don't vote- all those people died in vain."

So true... I have no problem with someone who is well-informed, who has weighed all the possibilities and is making a conscious decision to not cast a vote, but those who are just simply apathetic or lazy... And the all too common excuse "I just don't know anything about any of the candidates. I can't make an informed vote."


Where do we live? The Antarctic? Are you telling me that you can't pick up a local paper before the election and read the blurbs put out almost daily by the local candidates? Are you telling me that you can't log on to the internet, type in the party and take 5 minutes to browse each platform? Or 30 minutes to watched the televised debates? How lazy and complacent can one person be?

Do people think it is just some wonderful coincident that we are provided with cheap healthcare, infrastructure, tax returns, police protection, or education subsidies? Do these things just magically appear out of no where? OF COURSE NOT! You must VOTE to get them.

Okay... sorry this was supposed to be a short add-on to my last post. Can you tell where my interests lie?


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