Monday, May 23, 2005

Things I Cannot Stand (Thank you pop culture..)

1) The saying, "That's hot" courtesy of Paris Hilton. VOMIT. And even more vomitous, how it's caught on. SICK!

2) 50 Cent. I know he got shot a few times... but his singing sounds like he's fallen asleep.

3) Which brings me to my next point, rappers or singers who sing about how great they are. Come on! Have some humility! Case in point:
  • "Go ahead, envy me, I'm rap's MVPAnd I ain't goin' no where so you can get to know me" -50 Cent/The Game
  • "I am number one"- Nelly

4) Louis Vuitton...

5) Murses

6) Mallrats (not the movie... actual mallrats, especially the ones who are teen/preteen...get something better to do!)

7) Mini-dogs, also courtesy of Paris Hilton... I love animals, but when you see someone walking around with a rat in their arms...

8) Shoe techies

9) Baller bands/Live strong bands, etc... Hey, I support cancer research too, but the bands are getting overdone!

10) Pink. Baby pink, powder pink, soft pink, you get the idea.

11) Reality TV shows... Enough Amber and Rob! Please!

12) Stars who think they're larger than life. Since when did they become superhuman? Or think they're better than other people?

13) Pop-up ads. Argh!

14) Spiked heels. It occurs to me that it is very odd that women in our culture take pride in making themselve up/dressing so that they basically become useless... I.e.) I can't go swimming/out in the rain, it will ruin my hair/makeup. I can't walk/go there.. I'm wearing heels. etc.

15) Cell phones.. Don't even get me started! Isn't it nice sometimes to be unreachable? Maybe that's just me, I don't know...

16) Letting children have free reign.. Whatever happened to a good old fashioned threat (no going out for a week, no ice cream, etc.)? Seeing kids run around like little heathens terrorizing other people and the parents do absolutely nothing?

17) ETC!

(p.s. no I don't want to go back to the dark ages.. but working in a mall, some things just get on my nerves)


At 7:09 PM, Blogger larrykim said...

i can not stand paris hilton. i hope she catches some nasty std... ha. that is so mean... oh well

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice... *applaudes* We seem to agree about many things! I work at a mall too, in Atlanta. luckily for me I just gave my 2 weeks yesterday! YAY! :-D


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