Friday, May 20, 2005


What is beautiful? I try to find beauty in every day that I am on this planet, this wonderful earth. Today, the clouds were beautiful. Emerging from work in the evening, it had been raining all day but the huge, dark billowy clouds were stacked on the horizon, hanging over the misty mountains. Over the city, thin whispy clouds floated in and out of the rays of the falling sun, shimmery golds, light lilacs and pale pinks.

I find beauty in my friends, and knowing that they support me in whatever I do, whatever I decide. I find beauty in having a spare moment to sit down and write, or to email someone I haven't talked to in a while, knowing that they care about me and I care about them.

I find beauty in my family, as often as I say I hate them, I come home from a day at work and have dinner waiting for me courtesy of my mom, or I find my brother listening to a song that I didn't know he liked, or I do a crazy dance in the living room to "Black Betty" just so I can make my sister laugh... or my dad wakes up from a nap and makes some funny comment like he always does...

I find beauty in music, the way musicians weave poetry into lyrics, evoking emotions inside me that I have never felt. Carrying me away to a place I have never been.

I find beauty in possibility. Knowing I have the opportunity to change my situation, or that I can just pick myself up and start a new life without too much trouble. Or that there are fascinating, wonderful people all over the world just waiting out there for me to enlighten my life, and I hopefully to enlighten theirs.

I find beauty in food, rich, luxurious food- chinese, mexican, italian, polish, vietnamese.. etc.

I find beauty in life, in living, in breathing.


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