Thursday, August 12, 2004

What's in a Name?

Lately I have begun to wonder what people think of my online name. I have started to wonder if anyone reading my posts (Larry this if for you, all one of you;) reads "melonface" and imagines a person with a round, melon-like face. So, I will set you all strait (all one of you).

Back in high school, I used to walk to school with a friend every morning. Every day, we had to pass a grove of tall cottonwood trees, and in mid-spring/summer, when the cotton was floating in the air, it used to look like snow. I highly enjoyed this time of year, but my friend was extremely allergic to the cotton, so her eyes used to get all puffy, swollen and itchy. Goodnaturedly (at least I thought so), I used to poke fun at her allergic reatctions.

Fast forward several years. It was a hot, late summer day and I had a rugby game. Add together the heat, an irritating sun screen, and small abrasions from the gravel on my face, and post-game my face felt a little bothered, but it didn't concern me too much. The next morning, however, when I woke up my face felt weird- kind of squashed and mushy. I walked into the bathroom, and took one look at myself. My face had swollen up like a melon! My eyelids were droopy, and my cheeks were fat, like a chipmunk.

Later that day, when I had to go pick up some lotion for my melon face, as luck would have it the very friend who's allergies used to bring me hours of enjoyment was the person to ring through my purchases. She had a good laugh (rightly so). Karma: it comes back to bite you in the ass.

So, from then on whenever I try to find a user name at a website, and my initials are already taken, I use the name "melonface." After all, who else would use such a weird screen name?


At 4:05 PM, Blogger larrykim said...

yeah... go me! my name got an honorable mention on your blog. well, i feel like i won an emmy or something. i want to make a speech... as happy as i am about being mentioned on your blog. i am kinda disappointed that you really don't have a melon face. i love melon faced people!!! what can i say... i am a freak!

hey, i am still planning on leaving a comment on every single one of your blogs. i feel like i am falling further and further behind though. i will try to catch up this weekend.

i think there are a lot of people that read your blogs. most people are shy or sometimes they are illiterate. yeah its true, i have a lot of illiterate people drops by my blogs. i have to use a lot of pictures to attract them. also you use some big words and its hard for dumb people like me to follow. like, i have no idea what you were talking about couple of blogs ago. i mean you expect people to know the words like proceed or ingenius or name or so or face. i mean you use so many words and they are all different too.

anyway, i feel lucky to be mentioned in your blog. it makes me happy... as happy as a little school girl...hehehe


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