Friday, August 13, 2004

Okay, I have an admission to make...

I love to write, I think that is well known. But, when I realized that the blogger profile keeps track of the number of words that I write, I came up with a crazy goal. I was going to write 10,000 words. The longest essay I have ever written at school was about 3,600 words, so 10,000 seemed like a lofty goal. So I wrote. And I wrote. And then I wrote some more. And tonight, I seem to have surpassed my goal, and yet I keep writing. It's like the more I write, the more words want to come out of me.

And then, horror of all horrors, a challenge surfaced. The only person that actually reads my blog (I think) Larry Kim has taken a shining to leaving comments on my posts (thank you, I love comments). But he decide that he is going to leave a comment on every one of my posts. Finding this out, a gleam crossed my brown eyes. "Have I just been challenged?" I wondered out loud to myself, much to the alarm of my sleeping cat. Can I possibly create posts at such a volume that Larry cannot keep up with me?

And so here I sit, typing madly away. It's been 17 hours, and I haven't stopped typing. Okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but I have been known to be prone to hyperbole from time to time.

Good luck Larry, good luck. You'll need it. ;)


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