Friday, July 30, 2004


It seems strange to me, that people close to me can see me doing things that I could never even fathom. Tonight, my best friend told me that she thought I would make a good police officer. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against police officers, but I think that I might possibly make the world's worst one.

Offender: "Gee, I'm sorry officer, I didn't mean to steal from the store, but I just got into a fight with my girlfriend, and I was crying, and I couldn't see through the tears, so I accidentally brushed against the display and the merchandise fell into my backpack and I didn't even notice."

Me: "Well, I'm sorry to hear about the fight. I feel for you. And you're right, it's pretty hard to see when you're crying. I guess that story is plausible. Run along now, don't let it happen again."

Store Owner: "You let him get away?!?! You !$#@%#%@%% cop!

I had someone else tell me recently that they thought I would do well supervising groups of young people on exchange (the exchange I just participated in). I found that strange as well. Don't get me wrong, I like people, but just not all the time. Especially not supervising them...

So this has got me to thinking, what is the difference between my own perception of me, and the perception other's have of me? And does this difference matter? I like to think that it doesn't, but in reality I am not so sure. I wish that other people could see me as I see me. It amazes me and alarms me, just how different I am in other people's eyes.


At 7:10 AM, Blogger larrykim said...

most people have many sides to them. at the same time, people feel the need to catagorize others around them because that's what makes sense to them. it is one of our natural survival skills. in my case, some people see me as a really layed-back fun guy, while others see me as being too serious about everything. two completely contradicting perception of me. in reality, i am neither. i just act in different ways depending on the situation and people. i think i act the way i am expected to act most of the time. in any case, it's entirely possible that your friend is a complete moron, and she does not know what the heck she is talking about. on the other hand, it's also possible that you are who she says you are, and you just don't want to be that person, so you are trying to deny it. great thought provoking blog!!!

i wish others see me as i see me also, because dog gone it. i am absolutely gorgeous!!!


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