Thursday, July 29, 2004

Pirate: A favorite joke

Humour is the best thing in life. This my favorite joke, the only one that I can tell:
There is a pirate ship sailing the high seas. One day, while out sailing, another rival ship appears on the horizon. The captain says to the first mate "Bring me my red shirt."
The first mate does so. The captain puts the shirt on, and goes into battle. He fights gallantly and at the end of the day, the pirates are victorious.
The next day, while out sailing, two rival ships appear on the horizon. "Bring me my red shirt," the captain commands the first mate without hesitation. The first mate does so, and the pirates go into battle. The captain fights gallantly, and finally the two ships are defeated.
The next day, the pirate and the first mate are on the deck talking. "Captain," the first mate asks, "how come every time we go into battle, you put on your red shirt?" The captain replied, "You see, first mate, I put on my red shirt and if I get injured in battle, the men cannot see me bleedings so they fight on, without worrying about me."
The first mate is visibily impressed, and the two go about their day.
The next day, five enemy ships appear on the horizon. The captain says to the first mate: "Bring me my brown pants."


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