Sunday, July 25, 2004

Today is the first day....

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. How many times have I heard that worn out phrase, or told my self the very same? When do I start believing it? Each day is a new day, so how can each one not be the first day of the rest of my life?
That said, I haven't accomplished much as of late. I recently returned from a wonderful exchange program which opened my mind to new and endless possibilities. At its finish, I returned home with high flying ideas about how I was going to change my life, the world and the lives of those around me. That was over three months ago, and all I have managed to accomplish is to deepen the hollow in my chesterfield. While my fellow exchangers have got jobs, gone traveling, continued on, I seem to have stalled hopefully momentarily. It seems, the more I find I enjoy, the less direction I have in my life. My mind winds like it's on speed, flitting from one idea to the next at lightening pace. Sometimes I amaze even myself at my lack of ability to pay attention, or concentrate on one thing for any matter of time.

Anyways, today is today, and here I sit. Nothing accomplished, again. All I do anymore is waste away my time in front of the computer, with irregular forays to the local gym, bar, or even shorter onto my deck. I have taken to voraciously devouring novels. Not just any novels, mind you. I read any and every extreme travel story I can get my hands on, lately am intrigued by Tim Cahill and Robert Young Pelton. I want to live their lives, I want to be the one writing those stories that people read in semi-disbelief, half-admiration, and quasi-fear. But I know not how to begin. I have no job, and no savings. I can imagine myself living on a beach somewhere bonding with locals, but I have no idea how I am going to get there. I have spent months exploring myself, delving into depression, searching the bottom pits of myself for what I really want to do with my life. The two constants, however, are the need to travel and the desire to write about it.
Now, I am ready to act upon my desires. So is today the first day of the rest of my life? We shall see....


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